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  /    /  Loutra Pozar

The Loutrakiu Baths, or Loutra Pozar as they are popularly known, are located at the foot of Mount Voras and are a reference point for northern Greece, as they offer relaxation and well-being in a unique natural environment. Their name comes from the words “po” and “zar”, which mean “under the fire”.
The hot thermal springs form natural waterfalls with thermal water next to the river Ag. Nikolaou river, which crosses the whole of Loutropolis.
The geyser originates from springs that emerge at an altitude of 360-390 meters and are created by rainwater seeping into the ground, reaching a great depth and rising higher after heating, enriched with minerals and other beneficial ingredients.
Loutra Pozar is a destination that harmoniously combines two of the basic elements of nature: earth shaped by time and flowing water that springs from six springs and is famous for its healing properties.

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